The main concept for our website is our chosen numbers are selected systematically, not randomly.
To better understand the benefits of using systematic selections, let us take a closer look at random.
If you check online for the definition of random, you may find something like this:
- made, done, happening, or chosen without method or conscious decision.
Lotteries are Random
Lottery number draws are chosen randomly.
There are typically three methods lotteries use when they conduct their draws:
- Mechanical Mix Machine
- Air Mix Machine
- RNG (Random Number Generator)
Mechanical Machine
Mechanical Machines are tumbler machines which move the balls randomly using paddles or tumblers.
A ball is selected when it falls through a chute.
This machine is transparent to allow viewers to see the mixing and selection process.
Air Mix Machine
Air mix machines mix the balls using jets of air.
A ball is selected when it falls through a chute or into a tube.
This machine is also transparent to allow viewers to see the mixing and selection process.
RNG (Random Number Generator)
The Random Number Generator is a computerized method of generating random numbers.
For example, the RNG is constantly generating random numbers, but will display the current random number when the operator presses a button.
The RNG will then delete this chosen number from the pool, and the process is repeated for the remaining lottery numbers for a particular draw.
The results are usually displayed using a computer animation.
Procedures and Protocols
All the above methods of choosing lottery numbers have very strict security procedures and protocols surrounding the draw process.
The machine is inspected prior to the draw, and inspected after the draw to ensure fairness.
There may be duplicate machines, where a random one is chosen on draw day.
The machines are test run before the balls are inserted.
The air jets are measured with air mix machines.
The balls are all weighed and inspected before the draw and after the draw.
The balls are only handled with gloves.
The draw room is locked down during the draw process.
A video is captured of the draw and in some cases televised live.
The machines are under 24 hour surveillance at all times.
So lottery number selections are ensured to be random.
With lotteries, what else is considered random?
Players Choosing Numbers are Essentially Random
When players choose their lottery numbers, either favorite or quick picks, they are considered random.
People are unique, but when it comes to lotteries, their personal number selections would be considered collectively random because to the lottery, it is just another set of numbers with a random origin.
Ask 6 people to choose a number between 1 to 6 and you will get a variety of numbers between 1 and 6 in return.
Chances are very high that there would be duplicate selections with just 6 choices people made.
See our why page and roll the dice 6 times to see what we mean.
Chosen Numbers are NOT Random
At, we do NOT choose our numbers randomly.
This gives players some really huge advantages.
No duplicates.
Unique selections.
Number selections from pools of unplayed numbers.
Collectively, better odds at winning because more unique combinations of numbers are being played.
We cannot emphasize these facts.
Systematically choosing numbers from pools of unplayed numbers will collectively increase the odds of winning the lottery.
Again, 6 people and numbers between 1 to 6.
This time, assign numbers to them sequentially.
What would change?
Each person would have a unique number between 1 and 6.
All numbers are accounted for.
No duplicates.
Remove the randomness.
That is our goal.
The more people who play our number sequences, the more unique selections are played, the more the likelihood that there will be more winners.
We cannot remove the randomness from the way lotteries draw their numbers.
It is just impossible.
However, we can remove the randomness from the numbers we play.
That is why we built this site.
Better the odds for players playing the lotteries by assigning unique lottery choices.
Play the lotteries with chosen numbers selections.