At our Why page we have a demo setup to show the benefits of systematically choosing numbers compared to a random approach.
Mini Lottery
The demo could be looked at like a mini lottery, with a small number of players.
With this mini lottery, players choose a number from 1 to 6 then on draw day the lottery would pull one number.
So the odds of winning this mini lottery is 1 in 6.
Breakdown If 6 People Played the Mini Lottery
If 6 people played, one would figure that someone would win?
After all, the odds are 1 in 6.
Well, it depends on how they chose their numbers.
If the 6 players chose their numbers randomly, then no, there is no guarantee that someone will win.
Also if a player's number did come up, there is also no guarantee that they will be the only winner because there could be duplicates with random selections.
If players were allowed to choose their selection base on their lucky number from 1 to 6, again no guaranteed winner. This is similar to random selections because players selections collectively would be random.
However, if the same 6 players chose Chosen Numbers to provide them with their selections, then yes, there would be a guaranteed winner.
Each player would be assigned a unique number from 1 to 6, in this case, sequentially.
There would also be only one winner.
For these 6 players:
- Using Chosen Numbers, individually the odds of winning is 1 in 6.
- Using Chosen Numbers, collectively the odds of winning are 100%
One Demo, 2 Observations
This demo can be run in 2 ways to demonstrate the benefits of systematically choosing lottery numbers.
- Roll until one method hit all 6 numbers
- Roll until both methods hit all 6 numbers
Roll until one method hit all 6
Since a systematic approach will always result in 6 rolls, there is a strong possibility that systematic will beat out random. After 6 rolls, the random side should have some duplicates which also means that some numbers will not have been rolled yet.
Roll until both methods hit all 6 numbers
Once you have rolled 6 times, keep on rolling. How long will it take for the random approach to hit each combination?
Once both methods have hit each number once, then an efficiency is calculated by taking the count of total random attempts divided by 6 x 100 then subtract 100.
The systematic Chosen Numbers method will most likely always beat out the random method.
Final Observation
With this mini lottery, if players used random numbers or personal picks, then the lottery would benefit because there is no guaranteed winner.
However, if players used chosen numbers, then the players would benefit collectively because there is a guaranteed winner.
You have to ask yourself, are you playing the lottery for a player to win, or for the lottery to win?
Give Chosen Numbers a try.